Renew Your Wardrobe
Here are some basic tips to declutter your closet:
- Put all your hanging items in piles on your bed or on your floor.
- Touch each piece before you hang it back into your closet.
- Does it fit (right now)?
- Is it flattering?
- Does it reflect your current style?
- Is it in great condition?
Follow these guidelines for optimal organization:
- Group similar items together.
- Color code each group.
- Hang out of season clothing towards the back.
- Face all hangers backwards. Next season, you’ll be able to easily see what wasn’t worn.
For the discarded items, divide into 3 categories:
- Resale –Current styles and in excellent condition, these items just need a new home.
- Donate –More than 3 years old with slight wear but still in good shape.
- Trash –Items that are excessively stained or worn.
Keep your closet fresh by repeating this step at the beginning of each season. Consider removing pieces from your closet every time you purchase new items to keep your closet de-cluttered.